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Save Tigray

Heal Tigray

Rebuild Tigray

About us

  • We are a passionate group that is driven by our desire to help the people of Tigray get back on their feet and rebuild. Tigray Support Services and Adwa Support Group joined forces due to our shared goals and objectives of supporting the Adwa community and thousands of Internally Displaced Peoples (IDPs) residing there. At the beginning of the war, end of 2020 and early 2021, we found that not many organizations were supporting the community or IDPs in Adwa, so we brought our resources together to make sure no one was forgotten. 

  • Since December 2020 we have provided flour, supported tutoring programs, water purification projects, and monetary assistance to healthcare workers who were working without compensation. We also provided housing for survivors of gender-based violence, monetary assistance to nursing mothers and ensured malnourished children had access to food.


  • Tigray Support Services is committed to providing immediate critical humanitarian necessities to the people of Adwa, IDPs, and surrounding communities based on greatest need.

  • We offer immediate assistance to the community and IDPs by providing financial aid and basic needs such as food, water, shelter, and medical supplies. 


  • As the city of Adwa becomes safe and accessible, we will evaluate establishing clinics, orphanages and schools as needs arise in the community with focus on addressing immediate mental health, childcare, and educational needs.

  • Long-term needs of the community will also be considered as we look to establish a state of normalcy for the citizens of Adwa and the surrounding communities. These will focus on robust healthcare, K-12 education as well as technical colleges, job placement training programs, and rebuilding factories, hospitals, schools, and transportation infrastructure.

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